You cannot have your cat suspect what Lightenedcall is up to. Only Fellstar, Wandernight and their kits know her true nature, or her plan. All other cats may not be fond of her, but they cannot suspect that she is crazy, or framing Wandernight, or be worried about her sanity, all they think is that she is grieving for her lost kit, and that she is just another clanmate, nothing to be worried about.

Please do not make your cat assume otherwise, I know it is hard not to, but it is extremely important to the storyline, Thank-you

Also, all comments that are like this ^^ shall be deleted.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Finding You

Ebonywave padded through the forest. It had been a few moons since she had run away from Finnick's camp. Everyday the sorrow tore at her, distancing her further and further from the clan. It was just too much for her. Sometimes she would sneak off of JayClan territory to the waterfall Finnick had told her. His scent was stale now, almost gone from the water. But she'd still curl up on the cold stone, sometimes staying the whole night. She'd go back to camp with ice sticking to her fur, and her teeth chattering. Fellstar tried to ask her questions of where she was going, but she always brushed them away. Once, Ebonywave got so badly sick she could barely walk.
Now, she found herself once again in the cave behind the waterfall. Tears welled at her eyes and she sat down, facing towards the waterfall that was frozen in places. Her black and white pelt was soon soaked, and she was shivering so badly. But Ebonywave seemed to be in a different place as she sat there silently. Silently, slowly dying on the inside.


A silver tom padded through the territory. His long tail whisked from side to side, and his ice blue eyes seemed to be hardened down with some emotion. Scars laced his body, but they were mostly covered by his long fur. Though the ones that weren't, showed his true life. He had fought vicious battles, and usually his opponent didn't live.
But now, he walked up a secret slope to a cave hidden behind a waterfall. He looked up when he got to the cave, and his eyes slightly widened. Sitting there, was a small black and white she-cat, who was soaked to the bone. Ebonywave.
He stared at her. Her ribs were visible beneath her wet fur, and she just looked horrible. He took a step forward, then another and then he was by her side. He grabbed her scruff roughly, but then carefully dragged her down the rough stone. Once he was on snow, he walked faster, going back to his camp.

He walked in, dragging her behind him. He was met by a black cat, Aesir. Aesir narrowed his eyes, but then Ebonywave's eyes finally opened. She sniffed the air slightly.


Finnick stared down at Ebonywave as her eyes closed just as fast as they had opened. Finnick turned to Aesir.

"We have to help her."

Aesir snorted.

"If you wanted to help her, you should have brought her back to her own clan."

Finnick growled.

"If you value one thing, that thing is she-cat's. Let her live!"

The black cat shook his head.

"She's an enemy."

Finnick took a step forward.

"I'm going to be leader soon. Don't try to say we all can't notice how you're getting older. I know your joints are sore."

Aesir snarled.

"I am fine. And as long as I'm leader, I make the decisions. I want you to kill her."

Finnick shook his head.

"What if she wasn't an enemy. What if she... joined our group."

His father laughed.

"She's blind, and crippled. She will be of no use either way."

The silver tom shook his head.

"If I have to fight you, I will. And we both know who will win. Once she's better, she'll leave. I won't make her join this group. She deserves a better life."

He narrowed his eyes and turned to Ebonywave. He dragged her into his private den and licked her fur until she was dry. He made sure she was warm. He looked at her, memories flooding his mind. He sighed, and sat in the entrance of his den.


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivoryflame frantically limped down the log and past the Bush "Striker! I-i can't find Ebonywave!"


☪Dream said...

Finnick closed his eyes. Was I really trying to protect her by leaving her?


*Ebonywave blinked open her eyes. She was warmer then she was before. She remembered saying Finnick's name, then nothing. Am I in StarClan? A scent hit her, and her eyes welled up. I must be. Finnick's dead.*

F-finnick? Is that you?

*The tom spun around, his eyes sorrowful.*

Ebonypaw. You're okay.

*She looked down.*

Am I dead? Because you're dead, wouldn't I be too?

*Finnick took a step forward.*

N-no. You're not dead. I'm not dead.

*He touched his nose to her forehead, but she recoiled.*

You never told me!? And it's Ebonywave now. Not like you would care. I thought you loved me, but you just leave!?

*He looked away.*

You got your warrior name?

*She snorted.*

Of course you wouldn't know. I got it soon after you "died".

*Finnick sighed.*

I'm sorry... I... didn't think this would happen.

*She shook her head.*

Well obviously. I don't know how I could have ever trusted you.

:~~Ebonywing, Finnick:

✠Ember✠ said...

Striker let Ivoryflame curl into him, her eyes glistening with tears.

"She'll be okay." he whispered.

Ivoryflame sobbed "N-no.... I i looked everywhere."

Striker licked her cheek "No, she's fine, just... think positive."

"But... when F-finnick died..."

"Shh" Striker wrapped his tail around her back "You look exhausted."

Ivoryflame didn't anwser, he breathing was growing steadier as she drifted off to sleep.


☪Dream said...

*Ebonywave flattened her ears against her head.*

I-i want to go home.

*She struggled to her feet, shivering slightly.*

Please Ebonywave. I needed the time to try to get my father to retire. I... I'm going to be the next leader. I was never going to leave you forever.

*She shook her head.*

Another thing I never knew about. Any other secrets? Your real name isn't Finnick?

*Finnick looked distressed.*

I couldn't tell you. I was sworn to secrecy to never tell.

*Ebonywave rolled her eyes.*

Then why'd you tell me now.

*He touched his nose gently to her ear.*

Because I just realized I've been missing something for so long.

:~~Finnick, Ebonywave:

✠Ember✠ said...

Striker looked at Ivoryflame, the way her moon-silver pelt shone in the sun coming through the cracks.

He wanted to run away with her. To live away from Ehel, to not be healer. Not to be led out to die like Makahl had.

He padded out of the cave, looking up at the clouds floating above him "Makahl?"

The wind picked up and blew his coat backwards, a whisper in his ear.

"Striker?" Ivoryflame purred, walking out to sit with him

Striker smiled but didn't answer, he was watching the clouds swirl, Ivoryflame purred, sitting next to him "What are you looking at?"

"An old friend." Striker purred


☪Dream said...

*Ebonywave lowered her head, and Finnick spoke.*

Do you think you can walk? I'll bring you back to JayClan.

*She nodded slightly.*

I thought you were dead... I think... I would've died too.

*He licked her forehead.*

It won't happen again. I'm so sorry.

*He padded out beside her, ignoring the cats that stared, then they padded out of the hollow.*

:~~Finnick, Ebonywave:

✠Ember✠ said...

Ivoryflame sighed "I should- get back to camp." she looked away "Good-bye."

Striker's eyes were glued on the clouds "Ivoryflame... run away with me."

"I can't." She sighed, without waiting for his reply, she ran out, he paw hanging in front of her.


☪Dream said...

*They were back in JayClan territory. Ebonywave sniffed the air slightly.*

Wait. I smell JayClan cats. Or... is that Ivoryflame?


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivoryflame emerged from the trees, "Ebonywave? I can scent you..." she caught sight of her sister "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? I'VE BEEN MAD WITH WORRY!" she ran over to her sister a relieved look on her face.


☪Dream said...

*Finnick stepped back into the shadows. Ebonywave stood still.*

I-i was...

*She coughed and shook her head.*

I think I'm getting sick again.

*Finnick watched not sure if he should come out or not.*


☪Dream said...


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivoryflame looked worried "Um... so where were you."


☪Dream said...

*She shook her head.*

No where.


✠Ember✠ said...

"You were somewhere." Ivoryflame insisted "You cant be nowhere."


☪Dream said...

I was no where.


✠Ember✠ said...

"Just tell me!" ]


☪Dream said...

I told you already!


(Should she notice Finnick or something? xD )

✠Ember✠ said...

"I smell Finnick. Don't tell me you were nowhere."


☪Dream said...

Finnick's dead.


✠Ember✠ said...

"Apparently not. I smell him on you!" she accused "You were LYING to me!"


(Finnick is ther right?)

☪Dream said...

(Ya, he's behind Ebony in the bushes)

*She narrowed her eyes.*

Do I look like I was with him?! How could I be!? He's dead! I'm frozen solid and just want to go back to camp.


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivoryflame narrowed her eyes "Then what is behind those bushes? I'm not stupid... I saw him about five minutes ago, I just wanted to know if you would tell me. Why didn't you?"


☪Dream said...

Because you don't need to know.

*She turned around.*


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivoryflame stiffened "Who. Are. You. I could tell you anything, and you can tell me nothing. Don't worry though, I won't be around for much longer if things are like this."


☪Dream said...

You don't need to know everything that happens in my life! Couldn't you even see that I was dying? Well, I was. You were too interested in Striker.


✠Ember✠ said...

"Fine Ebonywave. Fine. I tried. To help, I offered to look for him. YOU WANTED TO DO NOTHING. Nothing to heal. You wanted to be miserable, for some unfathomable reason. So, if thats how it is, fine. Have a nice life, with Finnick. He's apparently the only one who can make you happy. StarCLan forbid that your family do that!"


☪Dream said...

*Ebonywave spun around so she was head to head with Ivoryflame.*

Try to imagine what would happen to you if Striker died. You wouldn't want to look for him, because if you didn't seem him die, you'd still have that little, tiny hope that he was alive. So why would you want to possibly find him dead!? Try to imagine, for just a second, how you would feel if Striker were to die. Right now. If you can't, I'll tell you. It feels like your heart is being ripped out of you, then into little pieces. Because I know we have the same feelings. We've always had that special connection, and I know that your heart isn't yours anymore. If Striker died, it'd be like you dying too. So, for just one second. Try to imagine how I felt!

*She hissed and tears came to her eyes. Finnick stepped out of the bushes slightly, his eyes worried.*


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivoryflame shook her head "Fine Ebonywave. I'm sorry." tears began to fill her eyes "Sorry for everything. Sorry for bothering you. Sorry you can't tell me anything ANYMORE."


☪Dream said...

It was one thing! And you didn't tell me about Striker until only recently.


✠Ember✠ said...

"You didn't come back till recently! plus, I didn't know if you approved. I didn't want your to hate me. Apparently, it did no good, you STILL do."


☪Dream said...

I was gone a night. I've been gone lots of nights recently.
I don't hate you Ivoryflame.


✠Ember✠ said...

"Could've fooled me." Ivoryflame hissed "I can't blame you though." she smiled coldly and turned to Finnick "Take care of her. Don't leave her. Ever." her muscled tensed "I'm sorry Ebonywave."


☪Dream said...

*Ebonywave narrowed her eyes*

Why can't you blame me? What are you going to do!?


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivoryflame sighed "Because I've hated me since my accident. And, well, you'll see sometime tomorrow."


☪Dream said...

I can't actually see. I'm sorta blind, if you haven't noticed since we were born.

*She rolled her eyes.*


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivoryflame smiled "I mean, you'll find out."


☪Dream said...

I don't know if I want to.


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivoryflame sighed "I don't know either."


☪Dream said...

*She narrowed her eyes.*

You better not be thinking of leaving.


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivoryflame didn't answer "How'd you find out he was alive?"


☪Dream said...


*She didn't want to reveal the secret cave.*

He saved me. I fell in the river.

*It wasn't entirely true, but the waterfall had soaked her.*


✠Ember✠ said...

"Ah... and he just... happened to be strolling by? Lucky." Ivoryflame smiled


☪Dream said...

*She narrowed her eyes.*

Ya. He was. It's his territory.


✠Ember✠ said...

"You went to his terriroty? I though you didn't want to..."


☪Dream said...

The river... swept me there.


✠Ember✠ said...

"Oh... interesting."


☪Dream said...

Ya. Because that's what rivers do.


✠Ember✠ said...

"Ah... yea... I didn't know that."


☪Dream said...

I think everyone knows that


✠Ember✠ said...

"Sarcasm. A wonderful thing, isn't it."


☪Dream said...


*She narrowed her eyes.*
