You cannot have your cat suspect what Lightenedcall is up to. Only Fellstar, Wandernight and their kits know her true nature, or her plan. All other cats may not be fond of her, but they cannot suspect that she is crazy, or framing Wandernight, or be worried about her sanity, all they think is that she is grieving for her lost kit, and that she is just another clanmate, nothing to be worried about.

Please do not make your cat assume otherwise, I know it is hard not to, but it is extremely important to the storyline, Thank-you

Also, all comments that are like this ^^ shall be deleted.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Fellstar sighed, feeling the cold Leaf-bare air ruffle his pelt. He knew Wandernight was in camp, she was organizing patrols

Why was he so upset over that tom that he'd met in the forest? What was it that stirred in his stomach when he smelt his scent on Wandernight's pelt.

It was a revolting feeling that seemed like something rose inside him, that made him... he didn't know, but it scared him. All he knew, was it left him angry at that tom.

Fellstar shook his head, this couldn't consume his life, but he had to do something.

He felt Lightenedcall's pelt brush his as he padded out and he turned away, uncomfterable.

Why was Lightenedcall always trying to get near him and be with him? In truth, it was rather annoying. But, Lightenedcall had been his best friend when he was a kit, so he stuck with her.

"Lightenedcall, I kind of want to be alone right now."

He padded over to a corner of camp and listened to the sounds of camp.


Lightenedcall looked after Fellstar and sighed, it was so annoying! Why couldn't he take a hint?

Lightenedcall sighed but padded out of camp, stalking a crow. She was about to leap when a tom tackled it before her. For a second she was confused "Fellstar?"

It looked like him, but when the tom looked up, he was looking at her. He was actually seeing her.

The tom smiled stupidly "Not me! I mean, uh, I don't know who this Fellstar is!" He scuffed dirt over the crow "You take it. Pretty she-cat like you shouldn't be out here hurtin' those dainty little paws."

Lightenedcall was offend, but she didn't say anything. This tom could come in handy. A last resort.

So, she pretened to be flattered "Why, thank you." she purred "What's your name?"

The tom smiled "The name's Storm. What's yours?"

Lightenedcall purred "Lightened. My name's Lightened, I live in an old log around here." she lied.

"Cool. Maybe, I'll see you around?" Storm asked

"Yes. Of course." Lightenedcall purred "Well, maybe."

Storm smiled "Well bye Lightened."

Lightenedcall smiled "Bye Storm."

She smiled and padded back to camp. This would be good. Storm would come in handy, if, all else failed, he would be Plan B.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

We Have Returned

Fellstar led his patrol back to camp. He leapt up onto the ____________ and called a meeting

"We have returned from the gathering! When there, the leader of LakeClan questioned my ability to lead because I was blind! I was outraged by this, but I did not break the truce. If they wish to battle, we will meet them with teeth and claws! But I prefer to keep things peaceful,"

He shuffled his paws as he looked at a beautiful white she-cat, his ears were hot

"We also have a new joiner! She survived, the...disaster that destoyed the former JayClan, and she wishes to join again. Please welcome Lightenedcall, she found us in the gathering. We also have a new head warrior, and many new joiners. JayClan is growing! Meeting Dismissed"

Fellstar smiled and leapt off the _________

Monday, December 20, 2010

New Joiners!

Fellstar leaped onto the _____________ , he did not need his sight to help him, he knew where everything was in his territory, walking through the vast pine forest was easy for him, his lack of sight was nothing more than a slight annoyance at times. With pride an confidence he called the clan meeting

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather at the __________ for a clan meeting!"

He heard rustling and smelt the three other cats of his clan gather. He smiled, remembering the days when JayClan had been full of life and from the smiling, playful kits to the oldest elders. But he couldn't dwell in the past, he needed to lead his clan now, and make it better than it ever was before. They were moving there, slowly, but surely.

"We have four new joiners! Please Welcome Leafdew, Starlingwings, Risinglark and Eaglefoot to JayClan! Starlingwings is expecting kits so JayClan will soon have new life. Also, Leafdew has offered to be our Medicine Cat, and we except, this is the most dangerous time for us and we need all the help we can get, Leafdew will be an exceptional medicine cat!"

Fellstar was about to leap off the ___________ when there was a sudden commotion. He could not see past the thick layer of black that had been all he could see since he was a kit, but he smelt blood, and that smell could never be good. He leapt off the ______________ and padded toward the source of the smell. Soon, he realized it was another cat, he towered over the cat, so it couldn't have been older than six moons. "How old are you?" he asked in an urgent voice

"S-seven moons." a timid, she-cat voice replied

"Who are you?" he asked, gentler this time.

"I-i am Bay." she replied, a little bolder this time.

"Well, what happened to you Bay?" Fellstar asked

"I-I was with my father when he froze, he was really scared. I didn't know why, so I asked him, he told me to run. Then there was this big ginger thing and I ran. I fell alot and got a lot of cuts," Bay said, her voice almost at a sob

"I-i should have saved dad, from that ginger thing. Now he's dead! H-he told me not to look back, but I did, he was lying there, all still, and the ginger thing, i-it dragged him away!"

Fellstar could tell she was crying now, but he needed her to answer "Was this ginger thing near here?"

"N-no. I ran, I long way." Bay cried, sniffling.

"It's okay Bay. It really is, your father still loves you and he was saving you when he died, he was a brave cat. Would you like to stay here, with me and my clan?"

"Y-your a clan cat?" Bay sniffed "My dad told me about you cats, he said you are like one big family. We were looking for a clan t-to join when..." she broke off into sobs again

Fellstar nodded "It's ok Bay, you can stay here. You'll be Baypaw, is that ok with you?"

Bay nodded "I'd love that."

So Fellstar leapt onto the __________ again

"We also have one more joiner. Bay, until you recieve your warrior name, you will be known as Baypaw! Wandernight, you are my deputy, and I trust you to teach Baypaw the ways of the warrior code,"

He waited until he heard all cats sitting down again and given Baypaw and Wandernight enough time to touch noses "Meeting Dismissed."

He leapt off the __________ and padded over to Baypaw, "Come on, Leafdew will fix you up." he took her over to the new medicine cat and smiled "Your newest patient, please take good care of her."

With that, he lefy Baypaw with Leafdew and picked a thrush out of the fresh kill pile and sat in the leader's den, wondering what was in store for JayClan....

Old Days

     Wandernight looked around. Snow covered the small clearing, and she could see Fellstar sitting in his den. he was staring out at the clearing, but all he saw was blackness. Wandernight looked down. How does a cat lead, if he is blind? But she knew StarClan chose Fellstar, so obviously they knew he would be able to lead.

Wandernight stood up, and walked over to Fellstar.

"Greetings Fellstar. Are you okay?"

This was a dangerous season, as Green-cough could strike. It was especially dangerous for JayClan, as they currently had no medicine cat. Fellstar gave a slight now.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just... thinking."

Wanderlight blinked.

"About what?"

Fellstar smiled.

"The old days. The way JayClan used to be...."

Join JayClan Here!

"Oh, Hi!" Fellstar leaps down from a tree branch

"Welcome to JayClan. Our home is located in a beautiful pine forest. We have many talents, one we pride ourselves on most is our keen eyesight on land, night or day, we can see better on land, than almost all clans! Another of our many talents is climbing, we can climb, any pine, any mountain, any tree! No matter how large or steep it is! Our bravery and keen eyesight help with this skill. We are also one of the fastest clans around, we chase after the swiftest animals and beat them with ease! We eat mostly birds, but we have an occasional mouse or squirrel. I hope you love JayClan, the clan of Forethought, Independence and Hope!"

Notes To remember!!

We will change your name if it doesn't sound like a real name (ex. Piepaw Paintkit)


You can be any position, but make sure it is open!!


You have to fill out the join information given to you!! If you do not fill in the correct form you will not be added


You may have up to 6 cats. You may have over 6 cats for a while, but then you have to kill some!


Please try to come on often!


If you are joining as more cats tell us what others you are playing already


To Join.... (Copy and Paste this please!)

Warrior Name:

Future Warrior name: (for kits and apprentices)


Picture: (please have a kitten picture for kits and apprentices)

Gender: (tom, or she-cat)

Other Info: (Such as Mate, Kin, Kits, any important bits of his/her History)



Warrior Name: Fellsight

Future Warrior Name: (for kits and apprentices) NA

Rank: Warrior

Picture: NA (But please put a picture for your cat. A URL for the pic is REQUIRED)

Gender: (tom or she-cat) Tom

Other Info: He is blind but is a very successful warrior