Wandernight watched Ebonypaw struggling to walk, she still wanted so desperately to be a warrior. But how could she? How could she fight? She looked at Ivorypaw. Ivorypaw too would have trouble fighting. Even hunting and running. She sighed, and Fellstar came to stand next to her.
"How are they going to be warriors? They can get warrior names, but they can't help the clan."
Fellstar shook his head.
"Special training. I won't be able to help Ebonypaw train now. She needs a warrior that can see. Bayfrost can still train Ivorypaw. She's far behind in her training, since she was missing for many moons, and when she got hurt they were only half way through. Ebonypaw was going to get her name, but now she needs to retrain. It's almost as if both of them need to start from the beginning again. They can't use the same hunting techniques, or fighting techniques. We need to make up new attacks for them. They both can't climb any more, which is a main skill of JayClan. Ivorypaw can still jump to catch birds. But Ebonypaw won't be able to. She may still be able to climb, but it's hard to say at this point. We'll jsut have to make stuff up as we go."
Wandernight nodded.
"Who could be Ebonypaw's new mentor?"
Fellstar thought for a moment.
"Maybe Fringeblade. He may be fierce and ambitious, but he may be able to teach her with Bayfrost there with Ivorypaw. He's our head warrior and he hasn't had an apprentice yet. And I'll still help occasionally."
Wandernight stood up stretching.
"As long as they train together, then fine."
She padded away, her heard low.
Ebonypaw itched to get out of camp. What happened to Finnick? Was he okay? Questions went through her head, and all she wanted to do was see him. But she could barely walk alone, and her parents were always watching her. She scowled under her breath, and closed her eyes, trying to imagine his scent.
She also wanted to start training again. She wanted to prove that she still could become the warrior she should have.
She also wanted to start training again. She wanted to prove that she still could become the warrior she should have.
Ivorypaw managed to limp over to her sister, he paw hanging uselessly in front of her, her eyes were dark "We have to start all over again! I have to relearn everything, but it's going to be ten times HARDER! I wish St- um, I wish Lightenedcall had never existed."
*Ebonypaw raised her head.*
I'll never become a warrior. I can't see, and now I'm crippled. I won't be able to defend myself. It's useless for me to try.
"You think I'm any better." Ivorypaw licked her sister's head "You can do ANYTHING. I've leatned that. You conquered being blind, you can do this. I can't. I've had my sight, I don't know how to overcome THIS." she looked away "I may just... leave. You know?" She shook her head "But thats the quitters way. I have to try." She turned around, beginning to limp out of camp "Wanna try to hunt. for old times sake?"
"It's easier for you."
Ebonypaw sighed, and sniffed the air.
"Fine. But snow is on the way, and I don't want to be stuck walking through the snow."
Then her ears pricked.
"Do you realize this will be our second leafbare? We were born last leafbare!"
Ebonypaw smiled slightly.
"Everything is different from then. I remember when we tried to find Wandernight by ourselves, and you said you saw a rouge. What happened then anyways?"
Ivorypaw's ears grew hot "Oh... uh nothing really." she looked away, could Ebonypaw feel the heat coming off her pelt? "He got off our territory, but he wasn't all that bad you know. I don't think all rougues are."
She sighed, her minds flicking to Finnick. They hadn't talked in moons. But she knew he was still around.
"But you were a kit. Barely even a moon! Didn't the the rouge try to attack you...?"
"No, he was young too. I don't even think he knew how to attack. He was probably wondering like we were. He was more terrified of me than I was him." she chuckled, remembering how scared Striker had been
*Ebonywing narrowed his eyes.*
You're defending a rouge.
*She knew she had no right to accuse Ivorypaw, but she had a feeling she had too.*
Ivorypaw took a step back "N-no! I was just saying he didn't attack me!!"
Ivorypaw*** (Singe... REALLy xD)
*Ebonypaw scowled.*
You first said all rouge's can't be bad. Do you know him?
*Ebonypaw thought of Finnick, and she sighed slightly*
"Well, yea." she looked away "Quite well."
*Ebonypaw narrowed her eyes.*
What do you mean!? Come on. Let's go out of camp.
Ivorypaw nodded, hurrying out of camp
*Ebonypaw limped after her, and hissed.*
Slow down! it's easier to walk with two back legs then it is with one!
Ivorypaw slid to a stop "Sorry. Just more used to it I guess."
*Ebonypaw grumbled.*
So explain. And where were you for the moons you were gone?
Ivorypaw looked away.
Should I tell her?
If I can't tell Ebonypaw, who can I?
"That rougue found me and brought me to this kind of camp. He helped me learn how to walk and stuff. That's why I was defending him."
"I know that's not all there is to it. Why would he help you?"
"He was grateful for me not killing him?" Ivorypaw said, with no real conviction
"We weren't even a moon old yet. You wouldn't have been able to kill a fly! Though it was Leaf-bare, so there were no flies."
Her ears twitched as she heard a sound behind her.
"Fine. I'd been... seeing him since I first saw him." her ears were hot "We were just friends at first."
*Ebonypaw backed away.*
But you never got out of the camp again as a kit. We were always together. Except... the first day of our apprenticeship when Quiverpaw... died.
*Ebonypaw could smell Finnick now, and it almost seemed to overwhelm her.*
"Not when you were asleep." Ivorypaw looked away "I wanted to tell you... but it was... against the code."
"Where is he now?"
*Finnick watched from the darkness of the bushes behind Ebonypaw.*
Ivorypaw shrugged "He's around. Nearby. He's been worried about me, so he hides out in the shadows a lot. He's probably close." Ivorypaw's eyes flicked toward a large pile of rocks casting a large shadow, just a few tail-lengths away
"Can I... meet him?"
Ivorypaw smiled, "Of course. You ARE my sister." she smiled "Striker. Come out please, I need you."
Striker stepped out from the shadows, walking toward Ivorypaw slowly, hesitantly. He looked at Ebonypaw, trying to smile. But he was still jumpy. This was a clan cat. Even if she was related to Ivorypaw "Hello, I've heard a lot about you." he said quietly to Ebonypaw
*Ebonypaw sniffed the air, her ears swivelling.*
I've smelled that scent before. I just brushed it off, thinking it was nothing. But it was you.
*She narrowed her eyes slightly.*
*Finnick narrowed his eyes, remembering when he had fought with this time. He took a small step forward, but winced as a twig snapped under him on the dry ground.*
Striker took a step back, wincing. But he nodded "I've been keeping an eye on Lightenedcall." he stopped, freezing "He's here too!" he growled at the trees.
Ivorypaw froze "He? Who's He?"
*Ebonypaw stepped back, her tail brushing against Finnick's face in the bushes. She narrowed her eyes.*
Who's here?
"The Murderer." Striker hissed "He was hanging around camp the day Ebonypaw got hurt." he hissed "He's an enemy of my rougue... family."
*Finnick leaped out, ignoring Ebonypaw. He leaped at Striker, snarling.*
Murderer!? I'm no murderer!
"That's why you kill Clans then?!" Striker hissed bristling "We live in peace. YOU live to attack them!"
Striker bristled, stepping in front of Ivorypaw
*Finnick pinned his ears back.*
We don't kill Clans!
*Ebonypaw leaped forward as best as she could, and pushed her head against his side. Finnick stumbled to the side, throwing him off of his anger. he looked at Ebonypaw, surprised.*
Ivorypaw's eyes were wide "Striker!" she hissed "I can't believe you!"
*Finnick let his fur lie flat, and he looked away. Ebonypaw looked down.*
He's not a murderer.
Striker hissed "Whatever. Lets just say, we dont get along."
Ivorypaw laid her her on Stiker "Whose this?" she asked Ebonypaw
Ebonypaw lifted her head.
"His name is Finnick."
"Ooh, so I'm not the only one huh?" Ivorypaw chuckled "Figures."
Striker stood tall, looking at Ivorypaw with warm eyes. He licked her ear lovingly "I should go, looks like you have a lot of catching up to do."
Ivorypaw shook her head purring "No, please stay, I haven't been able to see you lately. I miss you."
*Ebonypaw narrowed eyes.*
You're lucky I'm alive even. Lightenedcall was about to kill me.
*Finnick whispered quietly.*
You don't gotta talk about it. That was a bad day.
Ivorypaw stopped "How'd she try to kill you? I mean... do we have to stay away from cliffs?" she tried to laugh, but the nervousness in her voice was apparent.
(I suddenly think Lightned should come >.<)
*Ebonypaw sighed.*
I was going to become a warrior that day... I went out to hunt one last time, and went to the river. She was hiding in the water, and attacked me. She caught me off guard, and I didn't have time to react. She kept on disorienting me by hitting my face. Then she threw me into a fox trap... It caught my back leg instead of my neck. Then she...
*Ebonypaw shivered, and Finnick moved closer.*
She was going to kill me slowly. I was barely conscious, but I could feel her paw on my neck. Then... Finnick attacked her, and she ran.
(Yaa :) )
Striker hissed "Sick Fox-dung."
"Oh, am i?" A hiss sounded from behind them, a white she-cat stepped out from behind him "Or merely a cat in love..." she gazed at them "Like all you are."
She flicked her tail toward the two toms "Now, now, this doesn't seem to be... within the limits of the warrior code, huh? Oh, but how romantic. Falling in love with the toms that saved you. The clan will simply love to hear about this."
*Finnick snarled, stepping in front of Ebonypaw who had shrank back slightly.*
Keep your filthy breath away from her. Won't the clan simply love to see the scars I have you. I wonder what's under all that fur.
*Finnick arched his back, his ears flattened to his head.*
"Nobody would blame me for attacking you rogue." She struck out toward Ivorypaw, attempting to knock her off her feet, but Striker leaped in front of her, knocking Lightenedcall off balance instead. He looked at Finnick "You two have... met?"
Ivorypaw cowered behind Striker shaking. She remembered that day... so long ago when she was just a kit. "Not again." she whimpered "No. No. No. No."
*Finnick gave Striker a fierce glare.*
Didn't you listen to Ebonypaw at all? Lightenedcall would have killed her if I hadn't been near by.
*Finnick snarled at Lightenedcall.*
Do I need to kill you this time?
*Ebonypaw stayed low.*
Finnick... we have to g-go...
Lightenedcall smiled "Oh no. Thats not needed, I was just on my way. I simply informed a patrol that I scented some rogues here while you guys were, um... catching up. They should be arriving um... about 3 seconds from now." and Lightenedcall ran back into the trees
Striker froze, he could hear a clan Patrol approaching "Ivorypaw..." he hissed "Your not safe in that clan."
*Finnick took a step back.*
I-i have to go Ebonypaw. I can't be seen!
*Ebonypaw shook her head.*
I don't want you to go though...
*She murmured quietly.*
Ivorypaw nodded "It's not fair, please, can we just hide until the patrols gone?"
"I don't trust them in these forests alone with that crazy-cat over there."
*Finnick flicked his ears, and looked up. He saw a flash of black against the gray sky.*
N-no. I... have to go. I'll be back.
*Finnick backed up, then quickly touched his nose to Ebonypaw's cheek before running away. Ebonypaw's tail drooped and she sighed. Her ears flicked backwards to where the patrol was quickly coming. She turned to Ivorypaw*
I'm going to follow him.
*She limped out of sight, following his faint scent.*
:~~Ebonypaw, Finnick:
(She's gonna find his camp and what happens there xD I'm gonna make a post about it. OH also about who the black cat was :) )
(Muahahaha Awesome! :D)
Ivorypaw looked at Striker, he nodded, a silent exchange. The two padded through the forest just as a patrol past.
Bayfrost spat "See, nothing here. Stupid cat. I told you we shouldn't listen to her."
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