You cannot have your cat suspect what Lightenedcall is up to. Only Fellstar, Wandernight and their kits know her true nature, or her plan. All other cats may not be fond of her, but they cannot suspect that she is crazy, or framing Wandernight, or be worried about her sanity, all they think is that she is grieving for her lost kit, and that she is just another clanmate, nothing to be worried about.

Please do not make your cat assume otherwise, I know it is hard not to, but it is extremely important to the storyline, Thank-you

Also, all comments that are like this ^^ shall be deleted.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Striker and Finnick

Ivorypaw growled at the intruder "Tell me, who. you. are." The gray and white cat sighed, fear still shining in his eyes, he got up. The cat could be no older than six moons and, Ivorypaw couldn't hep but notice that his fur was spotted, not in patches like she usually saw. " S-striker. My name is Striker." Ivorypaw smiled "Well... Striker, mind telling me whats going on... where am i?" Striker smiled "It's a long story." "I have time." (Short post, srry 4 not posting.... got back from DISNEYLAND few days ago)


The dark stormy gray cat leaped off of Ebonypaw, his eyes wide. What was she saying!? Ebonypaw sat up and shook her black and white fur out. He looked at her quietly, his eyes narrowed into slits. She seemed like a new apprentice. 

"What's your name?"

Ebonypaw smiled.

"Ebonypaw. Can I know yours?"

He considered the question quickly. His dad would kill him if he found out that he hadn't been able to kill a new apprentice....


"Where are you from Finnick?"

"That's none of your business."

"Well you're on my territory, so i would think it is."

"I go wherever I please. I don't listen to clan cats."

"What happened to killing me?"

"How does that relate to any of this?"

Ebonypaw laughed.

"Well why don't you like clan cats?"

Finnick huffed.

"That's none of your-"

Ebonypaw quickly cut him off.
"I don't care if it is or isn't. I want to know."


1 comment:

☪Dream said...

*Finnick narrowed his eyes.*

You're pretty bold for a blind cat. I could easily kill you right now.

*Ebonypaw smiled.*

Then do it.

*Finnick didn't move, and Ebonypaw merely shook her head.*
