You cannot have your cat suspect what Lightenedcall is up to. Only Fellstar, Wandernight and their kits know her true nature, or her plan. All other cats may not be fond of her, but they cannot suspect that she is crazy, or framing Wandernight, or be worried about her sanity, all they think is that she is grieving for her lost kit, and that she is just another clanmate, nothing to be worried about.

Please do not make your cat assume otherwise, I know it is hard not to, but it is extremely important to the storyline, Thank-you

Also, all comments that are like this ^^ shall be deleted.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Fall

Wandernight padded into the forest. She heart pounding. I need too. It's the only way... Wandernight padded deeper into the forest, sniffing the air. He'll realize soon. Then he'll come searching. Wandernight closed her eyes, and leaped into a tree. She steadied herself, before leaping to the next tree. I can't leave my scent behind. I have to leave JayClan. It's the only way my kits, and Fellstar, can be safe.

Wandernight jumped through the trees for some time. She sniffed the air. There is no JayClan scent except her. Wandernight nodded, and balanced herself on the branch, getting ready to jump again. She jumped, then a bird cried out above her. She yowled in alarm slightly, as she was air-borne. Then, her front paws hit the branch she was jumped to. She dug her claws in, her back legs hanging down. The bird had thrown her off, startled her. She looked down. She was very high in the trees, and if she fell, she didn't know if she would survive. Wandernight closed her eyes, and tried to haul herself up onto the branch. She groaned in the effort, and scrabbled onto the branch, panting in fright. That was close.

Wandernight looked around, judging where she should jump next. She saw a good branch, and was about to stand up when she heard a slight crack. Her ears swiveled towards the sound, and she allowed her head and eyes to follow. She found herself staring at the base of the branch she was on. Wandernight's eyes widened in alarm, and she felt the branch slowly starting to fall, before giving way. She yowled, and pushed off of the branch, feeling it disappear beneath her. She looked down quickly to see it plummeting to the ground, hitting a rock, and splintering into a thousand pieces. She looked back up, hoping she would make it, but instead she found herself coming head on with the branch. She started to yowl, but it was cut off as her head slammed into the branch. Her vision was blurred by red, and she felt herself spinning to the ground. Wandernight felt her head snap up as her back hit a branch. She gasped in pain, and felt darkness overwhelm the red in her vision. Before she blacked out, she felt herself hit the ground, and fall deep into a snow drift. She then heard three sharp snaps and yowled in pain as something gripped three of her paws. Her yowl was muffled by the drift she was in, and she soon passed out...


✠Ember✠ said...

Fellstar sat at the edge of camp, the kits were asleep and Bayfrost was watching them, he waited for Wandernight to return, she had been gone way to long.


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit sighed.*

Where's Wandernight! I'm hungry.


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivorykit blinked "She's been gone for a long time Ebonykit, I think somethings wrong."


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit whimpered.*

What are we supposed to do?


*Wandernight felt only pain in the darkness. Cold too. So much cold...*


✠Ember✠ said...

"We have to find her!" Ivorykit mewed "Before we die of hunger!"


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit shook her head.*

Is that the only thing you think about? Food? We need to tell fellstar. He'll want to know.


✠Ember✠ said...

"No. That'll worry him more. Anyway we can't always depend on Dad."


☪Dream said...

We're kits. we need too.


✠Ember✠ said...

"Kits. Such a demeaning word. We are just a capable as any warrior. And we're smaller, we can fit into smaller places to find her better! She could be dying while we are chatting!" Ivorykit said dramatically. Knowing it wasn't true but enjoying the tone of her voice


☪Dream said...

Ivorykit.... We've never been outside the camp before. And I'm... blind. It would be best to tell fellstar...


✠Ember✠ said...

"You are NO fun. Anyway. If you don't want to go Fine. I will. I want to save mom."


☪Dream said...

I'm telling Fellstar, then you're going to be in trouble.

*Ebonykit stood up, and sniffed the air.*



✠Ember✠ said...

Fellstar looked over "What?"


Ivorykit glared at Ebonykit then bolted out of camp


☪Dream said...

Ivorykit just left the camp because she thinks Wandernight is hurt. Can we go look for her?? And help Ivorykit.


✠Ember✠ said...

Fellstar sighed "If anyone goes out... it'll be me. But you can go out and help me catch Ivorykit. It'll count for our lesson."


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit smiled.*

Okay! let's go!


*Wandernight's eyes fluttered open. She looked around vainly, only to see darkness. Snow. I'm covered by snow. Wandernight groaned, but the sound sounded dim even to her ears.*


✠Ember✠ said...

Fellstar nodded and they padded out of camp "Listen Ebonykit, do your hear your sister's pawsteps or smell her scent, or your mother's scent."


Ivorykit ran around frantically "Mom! Mom!" she cried


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit sniffed the air and listened.*

I smell Ivorykit, not Wandernight.


✠Ember✠ said...

Fellstar nodded "Which way did Ivorykit go. Signal with your tail and I will describe what it looks like. I know every inch of this forest from what my mother told me,"


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit sniffed the air again and flicked her tail right.*

Right, but sort of everywhere.


✠Ember✠ said...

Fellstar heard her tail swish to the right "Thats right. To the right, I believe the pine forest deepens. Smell the pine? They are apparently big trees that have spikey needles, they are really large and are awesome to climb, but there are also some steep hills, we have to find her before she falls down one of them, a kit her age could get hurt."


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit nodded and padded forward.*

Is Wandernight alright?


✠Ember✠ said...

Fellstar sighed "I won't lie to you Ebonykit I don't know."


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit shook slightly.*

Are you going to find her?


✠Ember✠ said...

"I will. I will search till the end of earth to find her."


☪Dream said...

It's cold. Where's Ivorykit? Can't you call for her.


✠Ember✠ said...

"Ivorykit!" Fellstar called.


Ivorykit ran faster, "Mom!"

Suddenly a gray and white kit ran up to her "Leave now!" he hissed, his eyes wild. The tom terrified ran back to her father, stammering


☪Dream said...

(wait... what...? I didn't get Ivorykit's part. Did Ivorykit run back to Fellstar...?)

✠Ember✠ said...

(Yea..... I just wanted to introduce a character very briefly so here is the explaination Ivory knew Fell and Ebony were close so she was running faster searching in smaller plaves, then she ran somewhere I shall not say because It is secret, and that character that I was briefly introducing scared her by his looks and voice just everything. So she ran back to Fell and Ebony Cause she knew they were close. I have a very Evil plan for this Character and Ivory >:D Sorry if that seemed jumbled.)

☪Dream said...


*Ebonykit backed up, yowling slightly.*



✠Ember✠ said...

Ivorykit blinked "Ebonykit!" she panted shaking


☪Dream said...

What's wrong?


✠Ember✠ said...

"I'll tell you later." Ivorykit mewed "We gotta get out of here though, mom isn't here."


☪Dream said...

But we need to find her!


✠Ember✠ said...

"She's not down this way."


☪Dream said...

How do you know!? You're a kit! Fellstar! Where is she!


✠Ember✠ said...

"I was d-down there OK? Trust me. No cat would go down there."


Fellstar sighed "Ebonykit, while I am the leader I do not know everything."


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit narrowed her eyes.*

What happened Ivorykit?

*She flicked her tail in irritation.*

Find her then!


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivorykit brought Ebonykit out of earshot "There is like. A crazy cat down there."


☪Dream said...

Tell Fellstar. He's on our territory.


*Wandernight's eyes opened again, and this time her eyes adjusted to the choking darkness. She strained her eyes to look at her legs, and she felt her heart beat faster. Fox traps... I'm going to die... I'm sorry Fellstar. Hopefully, Lightenedcall won't attack our kits with me gone...*


✠Ember✠ said...

Fellstar padded off, "Kits go home now." he mewed


Ivorykit shook her head "I crossed our scent border. Barely. He is living just outside our territory, which makes it creepier."


•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She watched her kits as they played in the clearing happily.

☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit flicked her ears towards Fellstar.*

We want to help!


✠Ember✠ said...

Lightenedcall smiled at Softsoul "Watch Shrewkit for me, will you? I feel like going hunting."




•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"Of coarse Lightenedcall. Take as long as you like." She purred happily and then turned back to watch the kits.

☪Dream said...

Fellstar! Who's going to watch us back in camp? What about Lightenedcall? Wandernight warned us to stay away from her.


✠Ember✠ said...

Lightenedcall smiled "Thank-you so much!"


"Bayfrost. She is like a daugter to me, I love her almost as much as I love you two, though she prefers hunting, she's a useful fighter."


•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She nodded.

☪Dream said...

I'm not going back to camp!


✠Ember✠ said...

"You are!"


"Agree. Pretend to walk back to camp but we will really follow him." Ivorykit whispered to her sister, so quietly no cat should have been abl to hear it


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit growled, ignoring Ivorykit. Then Ebonykit stopped. She sniffed the air, then padded to a tree.*

Fellstar! This tree smells like Wandernight very slightly like Wandernight!


✠Ember✠ said...

Ivorykit growled "Why do you guys ignore me? Just cause you can see?!"

When she recived no answer she stalked off toward camp. Suddenly a white she-cat padded out of camp and Ivorykit froze. She cowered in fear as Lightenedcall advanced "What do we a have here?"


Fellstar ran over to the tree "Yes! She must have climbed this tree!" he jumped up to the first branch."


☪Dream said...

What can I do? Wait! Where did Ivorykit go! I'll follow her.

*Ebonykit ran after Ivorykit*


✠Ember✠ said...

Fellstar nodded "Good. Stick together!!" he ewed following her scent


Lightenedcall smiled cornering Ivorykit


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit smelled Lightenedcall and she growled, leaping at where Lightenedcall's strongest scent came from.*


*Wandernight closed her eyes, feeling the blackness of unconsciousness taking her again.*


✠Ember✠ said...

"Wandernight!" Fellstar shouted in his largest loudest voice


Lightenedcall swatted Ebonykit throwing her in the corner with her sister "I... I mean Wandernight, gets to kill two today?! How fun!"


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit growled.*

Leave Ivorykit alone!

*She leaped again, her claws unsheathed.*


*Wandernight thought she heard Fellstar's voice, and laughed slightly, before passing out.*


✠Ember✠ said...

Lightenedcall slammed her down "You first then?"


Fellstar heard a small laugh, he leaped down running in the direction. He scented Wandernight right in front of him "Wandernight!" there was the smell of blood lots of it.


•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She was obliviously watching the kits in camp. Not knowing about the danger she had put the two she-kits in.

"Hi Shrewkit!" He smiled. "Wanna play with us?"

☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit growled, and struck out with her claws.*

Ivorykit! Run back to camp! Get someone!


☪Dream said...

*Wandernight blinked her eyes open, and gasped. She looked around, her eyes wide.*

Am I dead?

*Then, she heard a familiar purr. Her eyes widened as tears filled her eyes.*

B-Blue Jay! Y-you're in StarClan! You believed everything I said. Oh Blue Jay...

*Blue Jay stepped forward, pressing his nose to her shoulder.*

You're cold. Lie down.

*Wandernight obeyed quietly.*

I'm dead? Is that why you're here?

*Blue Jay shook his head, and curled up around Wandernight's shivering body.*

You aren't dead. Let me lend my warmth to you. You need it more then I do.

*But Wandernight's calm form started to break down, and a sob escaped from her.*

it's my fault you died! If only I had persuaded you more... persuaded you more to take those herbs! The Two-leg's wouldn't have killed you! Blue Jay!

*Blue jay silenced her with a flick of his tail, and licked her forehead.*

Shhhh... Save your strength. It's okay. Everyone will be okay... Just, sleep beside me. You'll be okay.

*Wandernight rested her head on Blue Jay's starry shoulder, sighing in sorrow. She felt tired, very tired, and she whispered.*

Good-night Blue Jay... I'll see you when I wake up.

*Blue jay nodded, continuing to lick her forehead comfortingly.*

Of course. Of course...

*Wandernight then drifted into sleep.*


(;-; tear, tear*

✠Ember✠ said...

Fellstar buried his nose in Wandernight's fur "Please... Please don't be dead!" his tail flicked lightly over a cold thing "What in StarClan..." he mewed padding over to it, lots of blood was coming from it, then he reazlized what it was. He used his paw to find the base and dug, until he found the bottom of the trap which released it's hold on her. He followed his nose to the other sources of blood freeing her from the other traps. "Cobwebs stop bleeding right?" he muttered "Oh, you know all this stuff I don't!" he cried he found a few behind some rocks and pressed them against the deep cuts the tracks had caused. "I love you. Please... don't leave me." he whispered to her


Ivorykit growled "No. I will help!" she hised darting under Lightenedcall clawing her belly only escaping in the nick of time when Lightenedcall layed down to squash her. Panting Ivorykit attacked again


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit growled.*

I can't see! I can't get back to camp for help! Just please Ivorykit! Go back to... camp!!

*Ebonykit grabbed Ivorykit's scruff from under Lightenedcall and threw her a short distance*


*Wandernight stared into darkness. She sighed, and wandered around, knowing she was dreaming. But each step she took filled her body with pain. Mentally, and physically.*


✠Ember✠ said...

"Wandernight??!" Fellstar mewed "Please... don't die."


"She'll kill you!" Ivorykit mewed clawing Lightenedcall


☪Dream said...

No she won't! LEAVE!

*Ebonykit grabbed Ivorykit again, and tossed her farther.*

We'll both die if you don't get help!


(Fellstar should bring Wandernight back... >.< )

✠Ember✠ said...

(He is, but he's letting her rest, cause right now she's super weak, so if he moved her, she could break a bone or somthing)

Fellstar nuzzled Wandernight gently "Come on. It's time to go back to camp. He lifted her by her scruff gently, pulling her out.


Ivorykit nodded, running back to camp "B-bayfrost!! Help!"

The young warrior got up and followed Ivorykit out of camp, where she saw Lightenedcall, Bayfrost tackled her "Run kits!" she hissed


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit stumbled to the ground, frozen in shock.*


(Wander's in dream land. xP )

✠Ember✠ said...

Ivorykit picked up her sister "C'mon!"


Bayfrost hissed clawing Lightenedcall, who wasn't trying to fight back "I will kill those kits soon. Not today, but someday!" then she pushed Bayfrost and ran to the shelter of Storm's caves


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit struggled to her feet.*

I can walk!


✠Ember✠ said...

"Yes. You can!


☪Dream said...

(she meant it more like, in a snappy way, like she snapped it, cause she didn't want help. >__>)

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

(Should Berrypaw heal the kits, she will only think that they ran into brambles haha)

✠Ember✠ said...

(Yep. Ivory can be sarcastic too dream xP xD)

☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit growled.*

We need to fine Fellstar!


✠Ember✠ said...

"I know. But where is he. I think it's best we get back to camp."


☪Dream said...



(get Fellstar to start bringing her backkk. or I'll make herrr dieee. She;s about ready. :P )

✠Ember✠ said...

Fellstar carefully dragged Wandernight into camp, not sure what to do. He was no medicine cat! He laid her down in his den, putting more cowebs on her wounds


☪Dream said...

*Ebonykit shivered.*

Where's Fellstar?


•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She saw Fellstar with Wandernight and raced over. "What happened?" She blinked down at Wandernight.

✠Ember✠ said...

"She... was hurt badly, I think she fell and got caught in fox traps."


Ivorykit looked over "There he is, birnging in mom! Oh StarClan!!"
