You cannot have your cat suspect what Lightenedcall is up to. Only Fellstar, Wandernight and their kits know her true nature, or her plan. All other cats may not be fond of her, but they cannot suspect that she is crazy, or framing Wandernight, or be worried about her sanity, all they think is that she is grieving for her lost kit, and that she is just another clanmate, nothing to be worried about.

Please do not make your cat assume otherwise, I know it is hard not to, but it is extremely important to the storyline, Thank-you

Also, all comments that are like this ^^ shall be deleted.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Without You

Ebonywave sighed. She hadn't seen Finnick for 2 moons, as she was rarely out of the camp. She fidgeted nearly everyday, never being able to relax. Ashenkit had grown a lot in size, and was already large for his age. Shrewfang continued to watch Ebonywave, acting sweet with her around their clan-mates. But when they were alone, it was a different story. She yawned, and padded out of the nursery. The clan was the same, nothing had changed. She remembered the days she had spent alone with Finnick. When they had run away. Why did I have to tell him we had to come back? I was so close to kitting... They'd all still be alive. Eaglekit and Wingedkit. The two kits barely lived before they were slaughtered. She padded to the entrance of the camp, then limped out, hoping nobody noticed. She soon found herself at the border, her heart beating fast. She yowled across the border.


But Finnick was back at his camp, planning the attack to take Ashenkit. He didn't want to, but his father did.

"Aesir.... We can't do this. It isn't right!"

The black tom snarled.

"That kit is the heir. He needs to come."

Finnick averted his gaze, thinking of the dark gray tabby kit he didn't even know. What was his name? Was he brave? Would he make a great tom?What about Ebonywave? How was she coping? Was she still being tortured? He shuddered at the thought. Every day he felt a huge pang in his heart. He needed her.

"I'm going hunting..."

He mumbled to the older tom and padded away. Everyday he silently watched the border, thinking maybe he should visit, but the clan would kill him. He padded there now, and saw a cat limping away. He stopped.


She turned around, her sightless eyes going wide.

"F-finnick... FINNICK!"

She ran as fast as she could with her leg, and toppled into Finnick. She nuzzled him gently.

"Is... is it really you?"

He licks her face gently.

"Of course. I haven't seen you in so long... How is everything?"

At the back of his mind he thought of the upcoming attack, but he watches Ebonywave. She shakes her head slightly.

"Everything is pretty much the same. I just... I've missed you so much..."

He rubbed his cheek against hers.

"We'll get through this. How is he?"

 Ebonywave closed her eyes.

"His name is Ashenkit. He's so... He'll make a great cat. I wish you could see him."

Finnick sighed.

"I wish we both could."

He licks her closed eyes, knowing that if he had the choice, he'd give Ebonywave his eyes. So she could see just how beautiful everything is, including herself.

"I wish we could be together."

He lowered his head.

"We will be Finnick. I'll find a way. I can't live without you."

If I had my way,
I'd spend every day right by your side
And if I could stop time,
believe me I'd try for you and I
And each moment you're gone,
Is a moment to long in my life
So stay right here, right now

"And you'll see our kit soon. Once he's old enough."

He licked her head gently.

"Does he... know?"

He saw Ebonywave stiffen slightly, and she shook her head.

"H-he sort of thinks... Shrewfang is his father. He... made me tell him that he was the father."

She pressed against Finnick.

"Come on."

He padded away from both their territories, Ebonywave following.

"We're just going on a little walk."

He twined his tail with hers, purring strongly.

'Cause without you I'm a disaster
(The moment you go)
And you're my ever after
(Just thought you should know)
'Cause I need to know your answer
(Just say you'll stay with me)
I want you to say your gonna stay with me
(Just say you'll stay with me)
I die every day that you're away from me

 They padded to the field to where they were first running away too. They had walked most of the day, and Finnick knew Ebonywave had to get back, but he didn't want her to go.

"Do you have to go?"

Finnick's heart beat a little faster at the thought of not seeing her for moons again.

If the world ceased to spin,
You could start it again with just one smile
If the seas turn to sand,
With the wave of your hand it would rain for miles
But the thought of you gone
Makes everything wrong in my life
So stay right here, right now

She stuttered.

"I-i have to. Ashenkit will be wondering where I am... and Shrewfang."

He licked her cheek, wanting to protect her so much, but he could do nothing.

"I can stay a little longer though, I guess."

She smiled slightly, laying down on tired legs.

My heart breaks with every beat,
I can't explain what you do to me
So just say you'll promise me,
Please, take me if you ever leave
But the thought of you gone
Makes everything wrong in my life
So stay right here, right now

 He curled around her, grooming her pelt gently.

"I love you..."

She purred, heart beating with the beat of his.

"We'll leave someday. The three of us."

She murmured softly, and Finnick purred approvingly.

So just say you'll promise me,
Please, take me if you ever leave
My heart breaks with every beat,
I die everyday that you're away from me

(Song is-Without You- by My Darkest Days)

Friday, December 30, 2011


Ivoryflame's breath was shallow as she padded through the golden grass, a mouse firmly in her jaws. Hunting was always a challenge for her, but for the last moon she was just getting so tired... it was even a chore to just get up in the morning. Not to mention she was getting bigger by the day.

When she finally returned to their little cave, she found Striker sitting up, his brow furrowed "Ivoryflame..."

Ivoryflame stopped in her tracks, she could tell something was up "Um Striker, whats the matter...."

Striker gulped "Um, I've been noticing this for a few moons... and you're quite far along.. and..."

Ivoryflame narrowed her eyes, she had a sinking suspicion what all of this was about "What are you talking about Striker... you're making no sense..."

"Ivoryflame, you're expecting kits."

Ivoryflame's heart dropped "But... I would know... wouldn't I show...?" she looked down at her slightly large belly "I mean... more than this of course..."

Striker shook his head "Not always. Some she-cats don't show until they're almost ready to kit."

As the shock faded from Ivoryflame, a sudden happiness tugged at her, she was going to have kits. To be a mother. And with the tom she loved more than anything in the world. She ran up to Striker, her silvery eyes glinting "I love you. I love these kits. And I'm glad I'm here with you.


It had been a few moons since Ivoryflame had learned she was expecting. Her belly was bulging with kits and Striker had estimated there were going to be at least three in the litter. , they would be born any day now. Being this far along, a normal queen, especially one with a lame leg, would have been sitting in the nursery, maybe sharing tongues with her mate, and enjoying the fattest, most fresh kill there was.

But, Ivoryflame was anything but normal. "Striker, just a bit further." she purred "We have to go down to see Ebonywave, I have to tell her!" The forest of JayClan was within reach. "I've missed it so much."
Striker looked down "You didn't-"

Ivoryflame turned and looked at Striker "No Striker, I loved every minute with you... more than you'll ever know. But she's my sister... and I've been having a really weird feeling, like she's in danger so, I've wanted to-" she flinched and Striker looked at her. Ivoryflame smiled "Contractions. Started when we left our home."

They were now right inside JayClan territory when Ivoryflame let out an ear peircing howl. A white she-cat leapt from the trees, pinning down the queen and biting visiously into her neck, clawing at her belly. Ivoryflame screeched again "Striker... the kits!"

Striker didn't hear, he attacked Lightenedcall, throwing her against the trees, where she fell, and was temporarily subdued. He ran back over to Ivoryflame to see that she was bleeding heavily and nearly ready to kit, he didn't know what complications the injuries to her stomach would cause.

Ivoryflame, barely conscious, let out a quiet murmur "Striker... save them..."

"Ivoryflame!" a yowl sounded from his right Striker turned around to see no other than Ebonywave.

Too busy to answer, he ran to Ivoryflame, preparing to help her kit "Ivoryflame, stay with me. You need to push the first kit out." he grabbed a stick "Bite into this if you need."

After what seemed like hours, but was only minutes, the first kit came.


Ebonywave gasped and pain struck her. She looked at Finnick who pressed close to her.

"Finnick. T-the kits!"

Finnick nodded and snarled as a sandy shape hit Ebonywave. The cat hissed in her face as he pinned her down.

"I found you."

Finnick snarled and barreled into Shrewfang.

"Get your face away from her."

The two toms snarled at each other and Finnick bristled. Ebonywave yowled as a contraction went through her. Finnick flicked his gaze back, losing concentration and giving Shrewfang a chance to attack. He leaped at Ebonywave and sunk his claws into her stomach. She ripped away gasping for air. She collapsed and closed her eyes tightly. Finnick pushed Shrewfang away.

"It's going to be okay. You're going to do fine. Just... don't leave me."

Her eyes flickered open and sought out Finnick's face.

"I can't do this. L-leafdew was right. I-i should've stayed."

She whimpered and Finnick pressed his face against hers.

"I'm here. You're not alone. I'm here with you."

He slightly heard Ivoryflame and Striker in the background, but his gaze was focused on Ebonywave. He then spun around and slashed at Shrewfang.

"Stay back if you wish for your life."

He turned back to Ebonywave and her mouth opened in a silent yowl. He licked her gently.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to do to help. I'm no medicine cat. The best I can do is be here."

She nodded slightly, and a spasm went through her and the first kit came. Finnick eyed Shrewfang warily as he licked the small black she-cat. He licked it roughly, trying to get it breathing. The kit took a small breath and mewled quietly. He was weak, but he was alive. Ebonywave strained to see the small life and Finnick placed it next to her. She sighed slightly and layed her head back down. Finnick heard a small cough and turned around to see Lightenedcall struggling to stand. Finnick snarled and narrowed his eyes. But Lightenedcall only surveyed the scene and backed into the bushes, her eyes gleaming as memories of a past event came to mind. He relaxed slightly and licked the next kit. A small silver tom. She was breathing better than her brother and Finnick placed her next to Ebonywave. He pressed his paws against Ebonywave's side. He knew some basics, but his group had never taught medicine. The queens gave birth on their own with no help, and if a cat got hurt, it was that cats trouble. He licked Ebonywave's head which was very warm.

"One more. Come on."

Her breathing was shallow and she was getting weaker. She whispered.

"Everything hurts Finnick, and it's so cold..."

She wailed and the next kit came. It was larger than the other two, and had black and white spots. He placed this tom also next to Ebonywave and purred in relief.

"Two toms and a she-cat."

He licked her gently.

"You did great."

Then he felt claws grip his shoulders.

"I gave you your time. Now, it's mine!"

Finnick yowled as Shrewfang leaped off of his back, dragging Finnick with him. Lightenedcall then, also burst out of the bushes.


Striker heard the commotion going on behind him and knew he should help Finnick, her first kit, a rather small brown tabby she-cat, was mewling faintly "Just a little longer. Hold on!"

Soon a tom was born, he was much larger than his sister with a coat which was so light gray, it could have been white, he seemed healthy and was mewling loudly.

Finally, a tortoiseshell she-cat was born, though, she seemed weaker than the rest, and gave a loud hacking cough instead of a mewl.

"Weaklings are not tolerated!" Lightenedcall's hiss sounded from behind Striker, and he attacked, ripping at every peice of exposed flesh. He could beat her, and would have too, if he hadn't have fallen for her dirty trick. Right as he would have killed that sorry excuse for a cat when a great smile spread across her face "Shrewfang! Kill the tortoiseshell first!"

Striker stopped, intending to see Shrewfang looming over his smallest kit, but instead he was slammed against a tree, and the world began to fade. He could only manage a few words before darkness crept over him "Protect the kits!"


Ivoryflame attempted to curl around her crying kits, especially the small tortoiseshell, her vision was blurry, and every inch of her body was burning. "D-don't touch them!" she wailed, as Lightenedcall approached, she picked up the brown tabby, flinging her to the ground. "Despicable." Lightenedcall sneered "Poisoned kits! You broke the code. As punishment, you watch them die."

Ivoryflame cried, attempting to stand, but her three legs, too weak to support her, collapsed. She watched in agony as her eldest born kit was flung to the ground, over and over, screeching for help, for her mother. "Striker!" she called "Striker... Striker... of StarClan!" she wailed "Save her!"

Suddenly, her kit's cries stopped. Lightenedcall flung the kit once more, right to Ivoryflame. Where it lay there, it's eyes still closed, an expression of pure terror frozen on her face.

Ivoryflame, so overcome with grief, was helpless when the tortoiseshell kitten was snatched. Again and again, she called for Striker, begging him to save the poor kit. And again, she was forced to watch her kit's life drain before her very eyes. Two of her kits were dead, and only the tom remained. She curled around the crying kit, trying to whisper that things were going to be okay... but as Lightenedcall approached, blood soaking her white paws, a look of pure madness across her face, she couldn't believe it herself.


Ebonywave shook in horror as Lightenedcall padded closer to Ivoryflame. Ebonywave closed her eyes and called out.

"Leave her alone! I'm still right here."

The white she-cat's head spun to where Ebonywave lay. A smile played on her lips, and she looked back at Ivoryflame.

"I'll be back."

Finnick stood up, his eyes slightly gazed.

"Leave... her alone!"

Shrewfang then leaped at Finnick. Finnick snarled and he was too late. Shrewfang slammed Finnick's head against the ground. Finnick looked at Ebonywave.

"I'm sorry..."

Ebonywave licked her kits gently and winced as she heard each paw step getting closer and closer. Then, the largest kit was taken. Ebonywave yowled.

"Are you doing this all because Fellstar wouldn't be your mate!? You should get over it!"

She gasped as she felt paws on her throat. She winced as Shrewfang hissed in her ear.

"Shut your mouth."

He released her throat and she gasped. Then she heard a wail and turned her head away, trying to ignore the sounds of her kit being killed. She then heard a thump near her, and she shook slightly as the scent of death came to her. Her tail wrapped tighter around her two remaining kits.

"Please... please don't!"

But Lightenedcall killed the small black she-cat the same way. Then, the white she-cat stopped. She looked around at the two unconcious toms.

"I have a different plan."

Her eyes narrowed and dug her claws into the ground

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Ebonywave felt the breeze brush against her fur. She lifted her head and immediately knew someone was standing over her. She shrunk back, memories of Shewfang washing over her. But then, the voice she heard was cold and filled with anger and sorrow.

"Ebonywave. What do you want?"

Ebonywave coughed and her eyes widened. Her heart seemed to beat faster.


She stood up on shaky legs and went to press her cheek against his. He took a step back though, distancing them.

"I ask again, what do you want?"

Her eyes showed pain.

"Finnick... what's wrong?"

He shook his head.

"You didn't show up that one night. I waited every night for a moon. I finally decided to look into your camp to make sure you were alright. I was in the trees, and I saw you. You were laying beside another tom, and you were sharing tongues."

Ebonywave looked horrified.

"No! That was nothing! Let me explain!"

Finnick shook his head.

"There's nothing to explain. You've been lying to me. I saw you two get up and pad to a den with your tails twined together. Don't tell me that's nothing!"

 Finnick's voice was laced with a snarl. Ebonywave hung her head.

"I'm expecting kits Finnick."

He narrowed his eyes and let out a low growl and turned around and started to pad away. She spoke again.

"They're not his."

Finnick stopped in his tracks, and Ebonywave continued.

"He forced me to be his mate. I-i.... He hurt me Finnick. He hit me, and used his claws on me. I was so scared... so frightened. I could never get away from his side. He threatened to kill me. And he just tried to when he learned I was expecting your kits. I jumped into the river to escape. Then, you found me."

She walked slowly forward until she was standing next to Finnick.

"It was meant to be. We were meant to be! We can leave now too. Two cats are trying to kill me now. I'm not safe there. And anyways, I only want to be with you. You're the one who pulled me through those few moons. I thought I was going to die, but you kept me strong. I kept hoping I'd find my way back to you. Now, I did."

Finnick looked at Ebonywave.

"I-i thought you left me. I was so scared. So hurt."

She licked his ear.

"I was too. Let's go now."

Finnick nodded.

"They'll be beautiful. Just like you."

He nosed her belly softly and she felt her ears get hot, and she leaped away.

"Come on. I'll race you."

Finnick laughed lightly.

"To where?"

She padded back to Finnick until they were face to face. Ebonywave whispered quietly.

"To anywhere."

Then she sprang away and ran as fast as her crippled state would let her. They ran away from JayClan and Finnick's group, and the opposite way of Ivoryflame. Finnick followed after her, keeping in pace. The night was starting to come, and the stars soon came out.

You and I ignite like all the stars are in between us
And even though I've run into you
In my life I've yet to see

Ebonywave slowed down slightly. She sit down, breathing hard. He nuzzled her slightly.

"Sorry, I forgot."

She purred and licked him between the ears.

Further than I've ever gone I'm feeling something real
And there's no one else who takes your place
The pull of something real

Finnick looked back.

"It's all gone now. I can't even see the JayClan forest. You sure you want this?"

He looked back to Ebonywave and gasped as she pushed him over. He stared into her face as she stood over him.

"More than anything."

She lied down next to him and he pressed his nose into her shoulder. Finnick looked over her body. Ebonywave's black and white pelt was smooth and soft, but beneath it held scars and bruises, and stories. Around them lay a small field, and further ahead was a forest. The night sky was dark except for the stars that made the white snow seem so much brighter.

"Come on. Just a little farther. I know you're tired, but we can't stay in the open."

She struggled to her feet, and he watched her carefully. Finnick stared in sorrow at her crippled, back leg that restricted her so much. Finnick let Ebonywave lean on him and they slowly made their way to the forest.

So I'll fly over endless skies
Fly until the end of time
Because I don't want you to be let down at all you see
I just wanna have you whisper into me

 He stopped when they found a little hollow.

"Here. I'll catch us some prey. Extra for you."

She lay down heavily and he noticed her stomach slightly bulging out. Then he padded back into the forest, his ears pinned back.

You and I ignite like all the stars are in between us
And even though I've run into you
In my life I've yet to see

He quickly came back with plenty of prey. He set some down beside Ebonywave and she ate it ravenously. He ate his prey more slowly, studying her once again. He never got tired of looking at her. Finnick got up and curled around her, licking her head gently.

Further than I've ever gone I'm feeling something real
And there's no one else who takes your place
The pull of something real

Ebonywave yawned.

"I love you."

Finnick felt her purring and smiled.

"I love you too. I thought you were gone forever."

Ebonywave smiled slightly.

"Now you know how I felt when you left."

He laughed, and licked her again.

So I'll fly over endless skies
Fly until the end of time
Because I don't want you to be let down at all you see
I just wanna have you whisper

Into me

Into me
Into me

"Well, we found each other again. It's destiny, not even the stars can hold us apart."

Ebonywave nodded drowsily.

"Get some sleep now. You need it. So do our kits."

He whispered quietly the last sentence and Ebonywave breathed out deeply, and she drifted into sleep.

I'm finding my way, finding my way
Finding my way back to you
I'm finding my way, finding my way
Finding my way back to you

Because I don't want you to be let down at all you see
I just wanna have you whisper

I'm finding my way, finding my way

Finding my way back to you
I'm finding my way, finding my way
Finding my way back to you

He then closed his eyes, and fell asleep with his heart beating with Ebonywave's.


It was close to half a moon later, and Ebonywave would be kitting any day now. Her stomach was now round under her, as she had gained her weight back. She groaned.

"I feel like I get bigger everyday."

Finnick smiled slyly. 

"Well your kits are coming any day. Are you sure you're ready? Do we need any herbs?"

She shook her head.

"I think we have everything. I'll be fine Finnick. Really."

She purred and heaved herself up. Finnick leaped forward.

"Here, let me help."

Ebonywave glared at him.

"I can get myself up, thanks."

He stood anxiously to the side as she tottered to the edge of the hollow they had stayed in that first night. Finnick padded up beside Ebonywave. 

"You okay?"

She looked away and shook her head.

"Before we left, Leafdew said since I was smaller... it may cause problems. I try not to show it, but... I'm scared."

Finnick's ears flicked backward.

"You're gonna be great. Everything will be."

Ebonywave nodded than stood still. She had this weird feeling and it was as if she could feel the breeze of a meadow blow across her. She saw glimpses of red and gasped.

"F-finnick. I think we have to go back."

Pain flashed across his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

She shook slightly.

"I think Ivoryflame is in danger. We have to go back!"

He looked away.

"But what about us? This is our home. What about Lightenedcall and Shrewfang? What about the clan? If they find you, they won't let you leave this close to kitting! You can barely even walk!"
She closed her eyes.

"I have to go. Please Finnick. She's my sister."
Finnick searched for the right words, but found none.

"I'm not leaving your side no matter what. I can't lose you. Not again."

His voice expressed his pain and Ebonywave nodded, burying her head into his chest. Then she limped slowly out of the small forest, her belly swaying. Finnick looked back, then caught up to Ebonywave, letting her lean on him. 

As soon as they were back in the JayClan forest, Ebonywave padded silently through. Finnick then saw a flash of silver, and Ebonywave scented a faded, familiar scent.


Song is Whispers by New Heights

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Forced Choice

It had been a few moons since Ivoryflame had disappeared. Wandernight hadn't been herself since then, and she was convinced Lightenedcall had something to do with it. Ebonywave limped to her meeting spot with Finnick. Her weight had come back, and she looked more like her old self. Finnick soon padded to the spot, and nuzzled her gently.

"Still no news of Ivoryflame?"

Ebonywave shook her head.

"She left with Striker. That's all I know. But... I don't think she's going to come back."

Finnick sighed and whispered.

"We could leave too..."

Ebonywave took a step back.

"I couldn't! It would kill Wandernight. And Fellstar... I don't know how he would be if he lost all of his kits, and Wandernight. It's just... no. I can't."

Finnick nodded.

"I know. I understand."

His ears pricked forward and he hissed slightly.

"Someone's coming. I better go. I'll see you tonight!"

He pressed his muzzle against her cheek and Ebonywave licked him quickly before he ran away. Ebonywave turned around and Shrewfang's scent washed over her. The tom padded out of the bushes and stood in front of her. She nodded slightly.

"Greetings Shrewfang. What brings you out here?"

She started to pad in the direction of the camp, not trusting the bristly tom who was the kit of Lightenedcall. He padded up beside her, and quickly stopped Ebonywave.

"I came to find you."

Ebonywave tried not to act scared, and she lifted her head.

"Well I was going back to camp, so maybe we can talk there."

She wanted to be around the safety of the clan, and Shrewfang stopped her again, a light growl rising in his voice.

"No. Here's good. And if you don't stay, I'll make you."

Ebonywave crouched on the ground, fear scent quickly rising from her fur.

"What do you want Shrewfang?"

The sandy tom brought his face close to Ebonywave's.

"No need to be afraid. I only want you. You as my mate."

This made Ebonywave break out shaking. She shook her head.

"I-i don't even know you. Let alone like you."

She tried to get up, but Shrewfang placed his paw in her shoulder. Ebonywave cringed away as she felt the tips of his claws."

"I'm not asking you permission. I'm demanding it. I know about that tom. Lightenedcall told me."

He slowly circled Ebonywave.

"You will be my mate. If not, I'll kill you both. I promise you that. Now, we better tell the clan the great news about us."

He pushed Ebonywave up roughly, and she looked even smaller than usual.Shrewfang wrapped his tail around Ebonywave's and she shook violently.


When they padded into the camp Shrewfang padded over to Fellstar with Ebonywave. The leader was sharing tongues with Wandernight, and they looked up. Shrewfang dipped his head.

"I'd like you to announce to the clan that Ebonywave and I are mates."

Fellstar's eyes narrowed, and Wandernight looked to Ebonywave, then back to Shrewfang.
"When did this happen? I've never noticed you two together."

Wandernight stood up but stayed where she was.

"We wanted to keep it a secret. We knew you two wold disapprove. Isn't that right Ebonywave?"

She nodded stiffly, her face blank of any emotion. Wandernight took a step forward and whispered in her daughters ear. 

"Are you sure Ebonywave? You know you can tell me anything."

The young she-cat felt the piercing stare of Shrewfang burning into her pelt. She nodded again.

"I'm sure. I.... I love him."

She tried to not gag as she spoke the words only meant for Finnick to hear. Shrewfang purred and licked her cheek, a smirk playing on his face.

"If you would please announce it, thank-you."

Shrewfang guided Ebonywave away and looked back as Fellstar addressed the clan.

"Shrewfang and Ebonywave are now... mates. We hope to see more kits soon."

His blind gaze sought out Ebonywave, and he felt something wrong about Ebonywave. The clan came up to the two cats and congratulated them. 

Night soon fell and Ebonywave followed Shrewfang into the warriors den, limping behind him. She lay down, her pelt prickling with fear. Ebonywave stiffened as Shrewfang, who was much larger than she was, curled around her small body. She tried to move her head away but again she felt the pricks of his claws in her side and he licked her cheek roughly. As the rest of the camp fell asleep, Ebonywave couldn't. All she could think about is Finnick waiting for her, and being disappointed when she didn't come.

In the morning Shrewfang stood up and yawned. Ebonywave spoke slightly.

"I-i'm going hunting."

The tom narrowed his eyes.

"No. I don't want you going anywhere without me. We can't risk it, can we?"

She lowered her head, not knowing what to do as she limped out after Shrewfang as what she would one day come to know as some of the worst days of her life.


It was two and a half moons later, and Ebonywave hadn't seen Finnick since Shrewfang had forced her to become his mate. She felt stiff and sore, and every night she cried silently. Shrewfang attacked her viciously almost everyday. She had so many bruises and scars, though they were all hidden under her fur, and she was too afraid to speak out. She had felt more tired than usual, and slept a lot more.

She padded out of the warriors den close to sun-high one day. She limped slowly to the medicine's cat den, and Shrewfang leaped up to meet her.

"Where are you going?"

His voice disguised a low growl and she flinched.

"I want some herbs. I don't feel okay."

Shrewfang stopped then padded after Ebonywave again, accompanying her to the medicine cat den. She padded into the den and Leafdew looked up from sorting herbs.

"Do you need something Ebonywave?"

She sighed and sat down stiffly.

"I haven't been feeling good."

Leafdew nodded.

"Shrewfang please wait outside the den while I check her over."

He narrowed his eyes but didn't protest and sat close enough outside to hear everything that was said. Leafdew ran her paws over Ebonywave's body and stomach.

"Have you been eating enough? I can feel your bones."

Ebonywave shrugged, and Leafdew looked on in worry. Leafdew stood up.


Leafdew's eyes were bright and she brushed her muzzle again Ebonywave's.

"Congratulations. You're expecting kits. I'll get you some herbs. You're already quite far along. You didn't show that much. That's why no one ever knew. You should move to the nursery soon. I'd say another half moon and they'll be born. You need to eat more too if you want you and your kits to stay healthy. You're naturally small so it may cause problems when the kits come. I want to keep an eye on you from now on."

Leafdew continued to talk, and Ebonywave sat as still as stone. Leafdew's voice was filled with joy at the prospect of more kits.

"Shrewfang will be so happy to find out he's going to be a father!"

This threw Ebonywave out of her shock. In her head she heard the truth flowing through her. She remembered back a while before Shrewfang had taken hold of her. Only a few days before that. She had forgotten the time and fell asleep beside Finnick behind their secret waterfall. These are Finnick's kits. I'm having his kits! Her heart seemed to come alive for the first time in moons. She ate the herbs Leafdew pushed towards her silently.

"I better tell Shrewfang."

Leafdew nodded.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but you'll do fine."

Ebonywave nodded and limped out of the den. She almost ran into Shrewfang who was bristling slightly at the entrance to the den.

"I think we should go into the forest."

She padded after the tom who had abused her, and she shook slightly, scared for the unborn kits in her. She wrapped her tail around herself, silently promising to protect them. Shrewfang stopped, and so did Ebonywave. He stood there for a few silent moments.

"Are they mine?"

She knew he already knew the answer, so she stayed silent. A snarl ripped from his mouth and he spun around, his claws raking across her face. She gasped as warm blood welled along the deep cut. She backed up as Shrewfang advanced on her.

"I should kill you!"

She wailed but it was cut off as he bowled her over, raking his back legs across her stomach, trying to kill her kits. She yowled again and spun around so his claws raked across her spine. He released her and she kept low to the ground, covering her belly in the snow that still carpeted the ground. She flicked her ears back and forth, but Shrewfang seemed to have disappeared. Then, she gasped as the air was knocked out of her as Shrewfang thrust his muscled build into her side. Ebonywave struggled to get her paws under her, and lashed out blindly. Shrewfang leaped back and shook his head to clear the blood that dripped over his eyes. While he was distracted she got up and tried to run. She heard the rushing of the river and ran to the swift sound. Shrewfang was too fast though, he leaped at her and gripped her hind legs with his claws. She yowled and kicked out. Her paw impacted with his face, and she thrust herself towards the river that was so close. Then, before she knew it, the river water swallowed her whole, and she struggled towards the surface, but only saw black...